Equity Primary Markets and Trading Report: European Market Data Update - Q1 2016 | AFME

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Equity Primary Markets and Trading Report: European Market Data Update - Q1 2016
29 Apr 2016
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  • Equity underwriting in European exchanges accumulated in 1Q 2016, a total of € 20.8 bn in proceeds, a decrease of 66.2% from the value originated in 4Q 2015 (€ 61.6 bn). Equity underwriting encompasses Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), convertible securities and follow-on offerings.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) between European companies1 totalled € 158.3 bn in 1Q 2016, an increase of almost 100% from the value observed in 4Q 2015 (€ 79.2 bn). Of this, the acquisition of BG Group plc by Royal Dutch Shell plc accounted for 38% of the total deal value during the quarter. Excluding this deal, the increase against 4Q 2015 stood at 23% QoQ.
  • Equity trading activity in European main markets and MTFs accumulated in 1Q 2016, a total of € 3.3 tn in turnover value, a decrease of 3.4% from the value observed in 1Q 2015 (€ 3.4 tn) but 10.6% above the turnover value in 4Q 2015 (€ 3.0 tn).
  • Market capitalisation of European shares stood at € 10.7 tn at the end of 1Q 2016, a decrease of 8% from the value observed in December 2015 (€ 11.7 tn).