AFME is pleased to circulate its Equity Primary Markets and Trading Report for the third quarter of 2017 (3Q 2017).
The report collates the performance of the equity market in Europe in areas such as issuance, Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), trading and valuations.
We refreshed the report format and included new data covering European block trading activity. We would welcome comments and suggestions on these changes.
Key highlights:
- Equity underwriting (IPOs, follow-ons and convertibles) on European exchanges accumulated a total of €172.2 bn in proceeds in the first three quarters of 2017, a 61% increase from the same period of 2016 (€106.7 bn).
- The increase was led by a 81% year-to-date (YtD) growth in follow-on offerings;
- Increase of 43% YtD in proceeds from primary offerings (IPOs).
- Completed Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) of European companies totalled €743.7 bn in the first three quarters of 2017, a slight increase of 2% from the same period of 2016 (€729.4 bn).
- Equity trading activity on European main markets and MTFs generated a total of €8.6 tn in turnover value in the first three quarters of 2017, a decrease of 4% from the value traded in the same period of 2016 (€8.9 tn).
- Market capitalisation of European listed shares stood at €13.0 tn at the end of 3Q 2017, an increase of 6% from the market value at the end of 2016 (€12.2 tn).
Year-to-date variation of European Equity activity
(EU 28 member countries and Switzerland)