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Decentralised Finance - Principles for building a robust digital economy
6 Jul 2023
AFME is supportive of the development of a thriving digital economy within a clear legal and regulatory framework. As these frameworks continue to emerge around the globe, we believe that this is a crucial moment for the financial services industry and regulators to mitigate risks and prevent any unintended gaps in regulator perimeters. In particular, we believe it is crucial to avoid the potential exclusion of so-called “decentralised activities” as this could open opportunities for regulatory arbitrage and weaken the application of emerging frameworks. This exclusion could create unintended risks to financial stability and potential knock-on impacts. While as noted by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) the current overlap of DeFi and Traditional Finance (TradFi) is not yet significant, this should be actively monitored and managed. Our white paper discusses the following principes: The importance of developing a foundational taxonomy classification mechanism for DeFi (and DeFi activities) as well as digital assets. Further research and global cooperation should be encouraged to determine the appropriate, proportionate, and comprehensive regulatory solutions for the unique challenges posed by DeFi. It is crucial to leverage existing processes and frameworks to create a holistic regulatory perimeter. Our paper includes recommendations for: Requiring authorisation prior to conducting regulated financial activities; The importance of choosing an appropriate accountability structure; An initial industry view on establishing a risk-based approach to DeFi; and Support for a ‘Level Playing Field’ and working towards consistent regulation despite varying levels of centralisation. However, in discussing these principles it is important to note that this area of the market is still rapidly evolving and changing. This paper is not intended to be a definitive solution to the challenges posted by DeFi. It is instead a foundational piece of work to further explore some of the technical issues posed by this new area of digital finance, as well as raise some initial proposals on how DeFi could be addressed from a regulatory standpoint. We aim to open an initial discussion across industry on this topic, and look forward to continuing to work on innovative policy solutions for DeFi with both the public and private sector, especially as we look ahead to the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) for the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) Regulation, and eventually MiCA 2.
A Common Path to Improve European Climate Risk Stress Testing and Scenarios Analysis
22 Jun 2023
The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) and Oliver Wyman have today published a new report entitled “A Common Path to improve European Climate Risk Stress Testing and Scenarios Analysis”. The report outlines the key challenges EU banks are experiencing surrounding climate risk stress testing and provides recommendations to improve future stress tests. The report finds that, since the last ECB climate risk stress testing exercises, banks have developed sophisticated approaches to improve their understanding and analysis of climate risks internally, taking inspiration from lessons learned and supervisory guidance in place. The report discusses key highlights from banks’ experience and understanding so far, while outlining areas of focus to improve future climate stress tests and scenarios analysis. Following a survey of 15 of AFME’s member banks and engagement with relevant regulatory and supervisory authorities, such as the ECB, EBA and the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), the report highlights key challenges that EU banks are currently experiencing in terms of: scope, data, time horizons, scenarios and different risk types. The report also provides several recommendations for policymakers in order to improve future climate risk stress tests and scenarios analysis. In this respect, AFME’s member banks suggest further supervisory provisions, including: materiality thresholds, consistent data governance framework and collection guidance, meaningful and quantifiable scenario analysis (not solely limited to credit risk) with shorter time horizons, and a framework for nature-related risk considerations in line with the work of the TNFD and NGFS. The paper follows a previous AFME publication on industry learning from the 2022 ECB climate stress testand aims to bridge efforts of banks and policymakers to improve climate risk stress testing methodology and data. AFME urges further collaboration between banks and policymakers to engage on meaningful solutions, in line with the detailed recommendations set out in the report.
Impact of Distributed Ledger Technology in Global Capital Markets
17 May 2023
The Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA) together with Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Clifford Chance and Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, have today published a new report highlighting the potential transformative benefits of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for capital markets and calling for market participants to proactively shape its future use, as well as for greater regulatory clarity from policy makers. The report, “The Impact of Distributed Ledger Technology in Global Capital Markets” evaluates the opportunities and risks of DLT and DLT-based securities and assesses the applicability of existing legal, regulatory, and risk management frameworks. To illustrate the potential of DLT in capital markets, the report examines three emerging use cases: collateral management; tokenization of assets; and sovereign and quasi-sovereign bonds. The report finds that DLT could unlock transformative cost-saving and operational efficiency benefits (for example, approximately $20 billion annually in global clearing and settlement costs) and innovation-led growth, broader market access, and new liquidity pools when operating at scale (e.g., approximately $16 trillion global market for tokenized illiquid assets by 2030). Despite the growing momentum in developing DLT use cases, the report also acknowledges that, there is still no widespread adoption in securities markets, with most DLT-based issuances to date largely experimental exercises due to the challenges identified. GFMA therefore sets out five calls to action, for industry participants and regulators, to overcome existing barriers to adoption and advance the development of DLT-based capital markets: · Harmonize global regulatory and legal frameworks for clear and unambiguous definition of the key terms and risk mitigants required to support the development of a transparent, disciplined, risk-focused, and effective digital market infrastructure. · Enable interoperability by building consensus on common standards and vision for DLT-based markets to guide market linkages with traditional market infrastructure. · Drive faster adoption by prioritising resources in asset classes where DLT has the most upside potential to help pool and deepen liquidity, particularly for illiquid assets. · Collaborate on the advancement of DLT to promote technical solutions, including around scalability, cybersecurity and regulatory compliance. · Continue the development of DLT-based payment solutions, such as tokenized commercial bank money and deposits, to facilitate safe and efficient settlement processes. The GFMA has developed an approach to the classification of digital assets that reflects the principle that the treatment of digital assets should be underpinned by a clear methodology for identifying different types of digital assets’ risk. This will allow for tailored regulatory treatment, to mitigate reputational risks caused by conflating different use cases of DLT, as well as promoting legal clarity and confidence for asset managers, investors, and issuers.
European Green Securitisation Regulatory State of Play: Obstacles to growth and opportunities for leadership
12 Dec 2022
AFME has today published a new report entitled "European Green Securitisation Regulatory State of Play".The report sets out a comprehensive overview of the current European regulatory landscape for green securitisation, highlighting the challenges preventing it from fully contributing to Europe’s green transition, as well as the full scale of its potential growth by 2030. The report shows that the European green securitisation market is lagging behind other global jurisdictions, including: In the course of five years, only 24 securitisation transactions with ESG characteristics have been issued. Although Europe is a leading region for green and sustainable bonds, Europe’s green securitisation market remains subdued. For instance, between 2019-2022 green securitisation issuance represented only 1.4% of total European green issuance, whereas it accounted for 8.1% in China and 32.3% in the US. The report also examines the potential scale of future green securitisation issuance by 2030 providing estimates for growth based on data from S&P Global Ratings. The findings are: Residential mortgage loans on energy-efficient properties: Gross green mortgage lending could reach €125 billion annually across eight European RMBS markets, i.e. Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the U.K. Lending for green home renovation: If residential buildings reach a 3% renovation rate by 2030, this could generate an annual funding requirement of about €75 billion, which may partly be addressed by further mortgage advances that are securitisable. This figure assumes a fully-funded typical renovation cost of about €17,000 per property, and considers the same eight European RMBS markets mentioned above. Electric auto financing: In respect of new battery electric vehicles, securitisable financing could reach €80 billion annually, while there could be a further €30 billion in annual financing required for used ones. These estimates concern only the five major European auto ABS markets, namely France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the U.K.
State of Cloud Adoption in Europe: Preparing the path for cloud as a critical third-party solution
6 Dec 2022
AFME and Protiviti have published a new report entitled“State of Cloud Adoption in Europe - Preparing the path for cloud as a critical third-party solution”,outlining four key barriers holding back the pace of cloud adoption within the financial services sector. The reportfinds that while cloud can clearly be an enabler for financial services innovation, some key barriers are currently making it harder for firms to adopt and fully leverage its potential. The paper sets out four key challenges that financial institutions are currently experiencing, including: Concentration of Cloud Services Globally, 65% of Cloud services are provided by just three entities, whose dominance is raising concerns among financial regulators, highlighting the risk of concentration in the Cloud marketplace. Regulatory Complexity Regulatory fragmentation, uncertainty and the time required for regulatory approvals is preventing financial institutions from innovating, slowing the pace of Cloud adoption. FIs are also subject to multiple different regulators that may ask for the same information in different formats and through different channels. Data Localisation The forthcoming EUCS certification framework could have far-reaching negative implications if the proposals to achieve “immunity against third-country law” via EU control requirements are adopted. Management of Disruption in the Cloud Several high-profile Cloud service outages have highlighted the need for greater visibility and confidence in Cloud providers’ abilities to predict, manage and communicate disruptions to their Cloud services. Regulators expect FIs to have primary responsibility for resisting threats to operational resilience, to guard against service disruptions and to recover from incidents. The paper provides nine recommendations for policy makers in order to help address these challenges.