Annual Review 2017
15 Sep 2017
2017 has been a year of structural and political change, leaving the European capital
markets industry with more questions than answers. At such a time of uncertainty, our
role as a pan-European trade group could not be more important, not just to present
the voice of the wholesale financial markets in Europe, but to provide a meaningful,
fact-based contribution to help shape the future of our industry.
AFME is committed to fostering deep and integrated European capital markets which
serve the needs of companies, investors and savers across Europe. In the context of theevolving relationship between the EU and UK we believe this mission is best achievedby providing a bridge between EU27 and UK policymaking. As we look towardsthe next twelve months, AFME will continue to perform this role, representing theindustry and bringing to bear deep policy and technical expertise.
We are now present on-the-ground in London, Brussels and Frankfurt, and AFME
staff continue to make the industry voice heard through regular meetings with local
policymakers, regulators and market participants across the EU27.
As we enter the next phase of Brexit, it is critical that policymakers are well-informed
of our industry’s concerns and the potential impact their decisions could have on
the financial services sector. AFME’s fact-based contribution remains central to the
We continue to hold engagement meetings with officials and policy makers across
Europe, calling for a smooth transition to ensure European capital markets are able to
continue to function well. To support our asks, AFME has produced a portfolio of factbasedreports which contribute meaningful data on the potential impact of Brexit onthe wholesale banking industry, end-users and supervisors, most recently Bridging toBrexit: Insights from European SMEs, Corporates and Investors.
This year marked an important milestone as the European Commission published its
mid-term review of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) initiative. AFME has been a strongadvocate of the CMU initiative, which is more important than ever to boost growthand investment and channel capital to the real economy. Going forward, the focus onstrengthening supervisory powers, fintech and sustainable finance, among others, areall important CMU priorities which will ensure the project remains fit for purpose.
One of AFME’s ongoing priorities continues to be raising awareness of the role capitalmarkets play in promoting growth. This year we produced two reports outlining howCMU can help address two key issues: the shortage of risk capital for high growthcompanies and the need to increase private investment in infrastructure. Addressingboth of these will help ensure that Europe continues to see steady growth.
It is undoubtedly a challenging time for our industry in Europe, and AFME is dedicatedto promoting the ‘E’ in AFME more so than ever.
I would like to conclude by expressing my sincere appreciation to my fellow AFME
Board members and staff. I am so grateful for all they do for the industry.
Michael Cole-Fontayn
Association for Financial Markets in Europe
September 2017