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European High Yield & Leveraged Loan Report Q1 2017
31 May 2017
The AFME High Yield Division is pleased to circulate the Quarterly Data Report for the first quarter of 2017 (the “Report”) The Report contains European leveraged finance market trends for the first quarter of 2017, which includes issuance and credit performance figures for the high yield and leveraged loan markets. Key highlights: European leveraged finance issuance (leveraged loans and high yield bonds) increased in 1Q’17 to €86.5 billion, a 50.5% increase from €57.4 billion in 4Q’16 and almost double the €43.5 billion issued in 1Q’16. This was the highest quarterly issuance since 2Q’14. Leveraged loan issuance increased to €50.8 billion in the first quarter of 2017, up 19.9% q-o-q (€42.4 billion in 4Q’16), up 54.2% y-o-y (€33.0 billion in 1Q’16). This was the highest quarterly total since the financial crisis. Most of the loans issued in 1Q’17 were 1st lien loans; there were no mezzanine loans and one 2nd lien loan financed. Pricing spreads for institutional loans widened by 12 basis points (bps) q-o-q and by 13 bps y-o-y while spreads for pro rata loans tightened by 27 bps q-o-q but by 12 bps y-o-y. Primary high yield issuance in 1Q’17 totalled €35.7 billion on 76 deals, a 136.8% increase from 4Q’16 (€15.1 billion on 41 deals) and a 237.4% increase from 1Q’16 (€10.6 billion on 22 deals). The proportion of USD-denominated issuance increased to 41.3% of all issuance in 1Q’17, compared to 29.1% in 4Q’16 and 28.2% in 1Q’16. Issuance for refinancing and/or repayment of debt in developed market Europe decreased to €11.8 billion, representing 42.8% of all issuance in 1Q’17, up from €4.6 billion (45.4% of total) in 4Q’16 and from €1.3 billion (14.1% of total) in 1Q’16. In emerging market Europe, no high yield debt was issued for refinancing and/or repayment of debt in 1Q’17. Credit quality: According to S&P, upgrades exceeded downgrades in developed market Europe (37 upgrades to 16 downgrades), a much better ratio than 26 upgrades to 33 downgrades in 4Q’16 and 20 upgrades to 40 downgrades in 1Q’16. It was the lowest downgrade percentage of a total since 2Q’14.Seven bond-related defaults were reported in the first quarter of 2017, six in developed market Europe and one in emerging market Europe.Speculative-grade default rates stood at 2.1% according to S&P (up from 1.4% at end-December 2016) and 2.5% according to Moody’s (up from 2.1% at end-December 2016).
Government Bond Data Report Q4 2016
15 Mar 2017
AFME is pleased to circulate its Q4 2016 Government Bond Data Report.This report provides a comprehensive data source with updated statistics of the Government bond primary and secondary markets in Europe (EU28).Among the main findings of this report:Main findings: Average daily trading volumes of EU government bonds increased 16% QoQ in 4Q16, although with notable differences between countries.For 2016FY, average daily trading volumes decreased 7.2% YoY, continuing the annual decrease observed in 2015 (-8.4% YoY). Decrease in number of Primary Dealers (PDs): The number of PDs decreased over the last year in 10 of the 23 EU jurisdictions with PD systems; increased in 6 countries; and remained the same number in the remaining 7 EU Member States. In 2006 there were on average 22.6 PDs in EU countries, comparable with 19.2 in 2011 and 18.2 in 2017. (For the EU countries where information has been consistently compiled since 2006). European Government bond gross issuance totaled €2.54 TN in 2016, a decrease of 2.6% from the volume originated in 2015 (€2.61 TN). Of the instruments issued in 2016 through auctions, average bid-cover ratios increased steadily in each quarter of the year, from a 6-year low in 1Q16. Continued improvements to fiscal balances led to further credit ratings upgrades in 4Q16. Three EU countries had their long-term credit ratings upgraded during the quarter and one country was downgraded.For 2016FY, six EU countries were upgraded, the same number of countries downgraded.
Prudential Data Report Q4 2016
9 Mar 2017
AFME is pleased to circulate its Q4 2016 Prudential Data Report. The report provides a timely update (as at December 2016) on the progress of EU GSIBs in implementing the Basel III capital and liquidity standard. The report also illustrates the recent performance of the debt and contingent convertibles (CoCo) markets for banks in Europe.Key highlights: In 2016, EU GSIBs increased their end-point CET1 ratio from 11.8% in 4Q15 to 12.3% in 4Q16. The improvement was driven by a combination of balance sheet restructuring and to a lesser extent from internal capital generation through profits retention and from external capital raised from markets. European banks issued €23.5bn in CoCos during 2016 (€19.5bn by EU banks). New issuance was below 2015’s volume (€34.3bn, €27.4bn of which were raised by EU banks. Banks have continued to restructure their balance sheets and their RWA positions. EUGISBs have decreased their RWAs by 5.9% over the last three years, while the proportion of market risks on total RWAs has decreased from 8.1% in 1Q14 to 5.6% in 4Q16 Box: secondary market for NPLs. The persistent high level of NPLs in some EU countries continues to limit the capacity of banks to fully support the economic recovery. A deeper secondary market of NPLs could contribute to a faster NPL adjustment. The volume of NPL market transactions remains low (€80bn in 2016 compared with €1tn in NPLs), with a minor participation of NPL securitisations with an issuance volume of €155m in 2016.
European High Yield and Leveraged Loan Report: Q4 2016
22 Feb 2017
Issuance highlights: European leveraged finance issuance (leveraged loans and high yield bonds) increased in 4Q’16 to €54.6 billion, a 2.5% increase from €53.3 billion in 3Q’16 and more than double the €25.6 billion issued in 4Q’15. The quarterly increase was led by leveraged loan issuance, which increased by 33.8% QoQ while high yield bond issuance decreased by 36.5% QoQ. for 2016FY, European leveraged finance issuance reached €202.7 billion, an increase of 18.5% from €171.1 billion in 2015. Leveraged loan issuance increased by 60.4% y-o-y to €121.3 billion (the highest annual volume since 2007) while high yield bond issuance decreased by 14.7% y-o-y to €81.3 billion in 2016. Issuance: Leveraged Loans in 4Q’16, €12.9 billion of amend-and-extend (“A&E”) loans were financed, a large increase from €2.7 billion in 3Q’16 and €0.9 billion in 4Q’15. Despite the surge in 4Q’16, A&E loans issuance fell by 20.7% to €18.5 billion in 2016 from €23.3 billion in 2015. refinancing and/or repayment of debt were the largest use of proceeds in 4Q’16 with €29.4 billion followed by leveraged buyouts with €6.0 billion and acquisitions with €2.9 billion. For 2016FY, the top use of proceeds mirrored 4Q’16: refinancing and/or repaying of debt ($65.6 billion), leveraged buyouts ($25.9 billion), and acquisitions ($24.4 billion). there were no mezzanine loans and four 2nd lien loans financed in 4Q’16. For 2016FY, only one mezzanine loan was issued (€0.1 billion) with €1.3 billion in 2nd lien loans and the remainder €120.0 billion in 1st lien loans. European CLO outstandings, including SME deals, increased by 13.0% to €194.6 billion in 4Q’16 from €172.2 billion. Non-SME CLOs increased by 19.8% to €105.0 billion in 4Q’16 while SME CLOs increased by 6.0% to €89.6 billion. Year-over-year, SME CLOs increased by 31.2% while SME CLOs decreased by 5.3%. Issuance: High Yield Bonds high yield issuance for refinancing and/or repayment of debt in developed market Europe decreased to €4.9 billion (48.3% of all issuance in 4Q’16), down from €11.2 billion in 3Q’16 (53.3% of total) but up from €1.4 billion in 4Q’15 (11.4% of total). In emerging market Europe, €0.7 billion was issued for refinancing and/or repayment of debt in 4Q’16 down from €0.8 billion in 3Q’16 but up from no deals issued for that purpose in 4Q’15. for 2016FY, high yield issuance for refinancing and/or repayment of debt was €31.7 billion in developed market Europe (46% of the total issued) and €1.4 billion in emerging market Europe (11% of the total), up 89.0% and 854.7%, respectively, from 2015. the proportion of USD-denominated issuance decreased to 29.0% of all issuance in 4Q’16 compared to 40.2% in 3Q’16 and 36.8% in 4Q’15. For 2016FY, USD-denominated deals totaled €33.8 billion (41.6% of total issuance), almost unchanged from €33.9 billion, or 35.5% of total, in 2015. Credit Quality according to Fitch, leveraged loan default rates (by value) stood at 0.9% in December 2016, up from 0.5% in December 2015. Including C and CC rated issuers as if those had already defaulted, the rate was estimated at 1.9% in 2016. as of December 2016, S&P reported the trailing 12-month speculative-grade high yield default rate at 1.7% (2.3% at end-December 2015) while Moody’s reported the default rate to be 2.1% (3.6% end-December 2015). in 2016, 24 European high yield issuers defaulted— 16 in developed market Europe and eight in emerging market Europe. in 4Q’16 downgrades exceeded upgrades both in developed market Europe (33 downgrades to 26 upgrades) and in emerging market Europe (7 downgrades to 6 upgrades). The number of upgrades decreased slightly to 115 in 2016 from 119 in 2015 while the number of downgrades dropped sharply to 170 in 2016 from 211 in 2015 resulting in a much smaller downgrade to upgrade ratio in 2016.