Natixis joins the AFME Board | AFME

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Natixis joins the AFME Board
21 Mar 2019
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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At its meeting in Brussels, AFME approved the application of Natixis to join its Board. An AFME member since 2009, Natixis becomes the first new AFME Board member since 2010, joining 21 other leading European wholesale banking groups on AFME’s governing body.

Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of AFME, said: “We are delighted to welcome Natixis to the AFME Board. As a strong player in Europe’s capital markets Natixis will bring an added dimension to the Board’s work. We are proud that AFME’s board comprises such a wide cross-section of Europe’s wholesale markets and the appointment of Natixis shows that the role and purpose of AFME as a pan-European trade group is more important than ever. We will be delighted to welcome Luc François, Head of Global Markets, Corporate & Investment Banking, as our new AFME Board member.”

Luc François, Head of Global Markets, Corporate & Investment Banking, Natixis, said: “With our headquarters in France and our activities across the continent, Europe is at the heart of Natixis’ businesses. We are committed to supporting strong pan-European capital markets at the service of the continent’s economies. We are delighted to have been approved as a Board member of AFME, which will allow us to further our contribution to the regulatory decision-making process while benefitting more fully from AFME’s extensive wholesale banking expertise.”


Notes to Editors
Biography: Luc François began his career in 1986 at IBM before joining Société Générale in 1988 where he held several positions before being appointed Global Head of Equity and Equity Derivatives in 2007. He joined Morgan Stanley in London in 2008 as Head of Equity Derivatives and European Equity. In 2011, he was appointed Global Head of Derivatives. In 2012, Luc François joined Natixis as Head of Global Markets. Luc François is a graduate of Supélec (Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité).


Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)