European trade body, AFME joins European Banking Institute | AFME

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European trade body, AFME joins European Banking Institute
18 Jun 2018
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Europe’s capital markets join forces with academics on banking regulation & supervision

FRANKFURT AM MAIN - The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) has become the newest supporting member of the European Banking Institute (EBI), joining the 28 academic members from all over Europe, as well as representatives of EU institutions such as the ECB, SRB and EBA and other European banking associations, in order to help develop international academic research on European banking regulation and supervision.

Jacqueline Mills, Managing Director, Head of the AFME Frankfurt Office, said: “AFME is delighted to join the EBI, which is a valuable forum for academics, regulatory and supervisory authorities and market participants to debate current issues affecting the industry. AFME is highly supportive of European research in the area of prudential regulation and supervision, particularly in view of the complex regulatory and supervisory environment most market participants are currently facing.”

Mills continued: “We hope that AFME’s focus on the particular challenges for global banks can bring a new perspective to the work of the EBI’s academic members. AFME’s participation will also help highlight the link between banking regulation and the development of capital markets, a topic we hope will be increasingly addressed by the European academic community.”

Dr Thomas Gstaedtner, President of the Supervisory Board of the EBI, said: “AFME’s participation in the European Banking Institute (EBI) is a clear signal of the need for further academic research in the area of wholesale financial markets.”

Gstaedtner also said: “In my role as President of the Supervisory Board of the EBI, I warmly welcome AFME’s decision to support EBI’s activities on a broad range of regulatory and capital markets issues. The EBI is a platform where key market players such as AFME can interact with academics, regulators and supervisors to discuss high quality academic work. The regulatory environment is in constant evolution, in particular in light of Brexit, therefore, the European banking and financial industry requires more dialogue.”

Enrico Leone, Chancellor of the European Banking Institute, said “the EBI is extremely pleased to welcome AFME as a Supporting Member. AFME’s participation will further enrich our academic research, in particular on capital markets. Our academic and supporting members are looking forward to working with them.”

Leone also said: “The enthusiastic support our academic joint venture is receiving from supervisors and the industry shows there is a clear need for research in the field of banking regulation and supervision to mirror the supranational/European dimension at which it is developed.”

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Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)