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11th Annual Spanish Capital Markets Conference, in collaboration with AEB Thumbnail Image
11th Annual Spanish Capital Markets Conference, in collaboration with AEB Banner Image

About the event

For the last ten years, AFME’s Annual Spanish Capital Markets Conference has been designed by our members to address the most pressing issues and trends affecting the Spanish capital markets.

The programme, with keynote presentations, debate and networking, brings together senior industry stakeholders from across Europe to discuss key markets areas for funding growth in Spain.

Early-bird fees have now expired.

Regular prices:
AFME member: €649 + VAT
non-member: €829 + VAT

Multi-booking discount
- 10% off when booking 3 or more delegates at the same time
- 20% off when booking 5 or more delegates at the same time

Complimentary subject to verification:
Investor: promo code INVESTOR
Regulator: promo code REGULATOR
Press: promo code PRESS


Lead Partner
Associate Partner
Event Endorser
Media Partners

Who attends?

  • Leading Spanish and pan-European investment banks
  • National and continental regulators
  • Central banks
  • Investors
  • Issuers
  • Credit rating agencies
  • Law firms
  • Consultancy and advisory firms
  • Trade associations
  • Financial press

Why attend?

  • Meet over 150 senior level attendees
  • Build contacts in four hours dedicated to networking
  • Hear up to 30 industry expert speakers
  • Join the debate in six hours of content designed and driven by market participants
  • Showcase solutions at the event exhibition space

Registration enquiries

For registration enquiries, please contact Events on [email protected] for assistance.


Registration and refreshments
Opening remarks
José María Roldán,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AEB
View speakers
Keynote address
Pablo Hernández de Cos,
Governor, Bank of Spain
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Panel discussion: Trading Trends: Are Our Markets Fit, Ready and Prepared for The Future?
  • What macro challenges are looming on the horizon?
  • What will be the impact of continued ECB intervention?
  • Is MiFID implementation now behind us, and has it helped the market?
  • Have our markets become more integrated? What further CMU interventions could best strengthen trading?
Pablo Portugal,
Managing Director, Advocacy, AFME
Andrew South,
Head of Structured Finance Research, EMEA, S&P Global Ratings
Beatriz Alonso-Majagranzas,
Head of Equity Unit, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME)
Miguel Cuenca,
Market Infrastructure Regulation, Regulation Desk, BBVA
Executive Coordinator, Bank of Spain
View details & speakers
Panel discussion: The Investor View: As We Open A New Decade, How Do We Stimulate Investment in The Spanish And European Markets?
  • How do we attract new investors? Who should they be?
  • Do we have the right tax and pension fund incentives to attract new investors?
  • Is abundant, cheap bank lending crowding out capital markets investment?
  • How do we best promote retail investment? What protections are appropriate?
  • How do we create better conditions for public and private equity capital?
  • How important will ESG issues become? Does Spain already have a head start?
Eduardo Segovia,
Editor in Chief, Bolsamanía
Jose L Mosquera Muiños,
Chief Investment Officer, Quadriga Asset Managers
Pablo Sánchez González,
Structured Finance Manager, European Investment Fund (EIF)
Rob Ford,
Founding Partner, Portfolio Manager, TwentyFour Asset Management
Victor Rodríguez Quejido,
Director General of Strategy and International Affairs, Spanish National Securities Markets Commission (CNMV)
View details & speakers
Networking break
Keynote address
Introduction and Q&A moderator:
David Wright,
Chair, EUROFI and Partner, Flint-Global
José Manuel González-Páramo,
Executive Board Director, Chief Officer, Global Economics and Public Affairs, BBVA
View speakers
Roundtable: European Safe Assets: Turning Theory into Reality
Rick Watson,
Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets, Membership and Events, AFME
David Vegara,
Chief Risk Officer and Executive Board Member, Banco Sabadell
Gonzalo García,
Chief Economist, AFI
Pablo de Ramón-Laca Clausen,
Head of Funding and Debt Management, Spanish Treasury Chairman, ESDM
View speakers
Networking lunch
Panel discussion: STS Synthetics and SRT: How We Can Make Them Work Better in Spain
  • Why is SRT so important to Spanish banks?
  • What hurdles are they currently facing?
  • How can these be overcome?
  • What can we expect from the new consultation?
Richard Hopkin,
Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income, Capital Markets, AFME
Gaston Wieder,
Vice President, Senior Analyst, Moody's Investors Service
Pablo Sinausía,
Policy Expert, European Banking Authority (EBA)
Steve Gandy,
Head of Private Debt Mobilisation, Notes and Structuring, Santander CIB
Timothy Cleary,
Partner, Clifford Chance
View details & speakers
Panel discussion: Covered Bonds: What Can We Expect from The Harmonisation Regime?
  • Who is benefiting from the new harmonisation framework?
  • How can issuers comply with the more extensive investor reporting requirements?
  • Implementation at a national level: next steps
  • ESN’s overlap with the covered bond initiative
Victoria Webster,
Director, Fixed Income, AFME
Alberto Martín del Campo,
Deputy Director General for Regulation and Financial Policy, Spanish Treasury
Covadonga Aybar,
Vice President, European Covered Bonds, DBRS Ratings
Lorena Mullor,
Public Policy Advisor, AEB
View details & speakers
Panel discussion: Non-Performing Loans: How Big Is the Challenge in Spain And What Techniques Are Needed to Address It?
  • How does Spain compare with other EU markets?
  • What progress has there been to date?
  • What are the opportunities to bring in new investors and who could they be?
  • Is there a role for securitisation?
Julio Suarez,
Director, Research, AFME
Giuseppina Martelli,
Director, S&P Global Ratings
Iker Beraza Perez,
Deputy Director General for Strategy, Pricing and Information, Sareb
Jonathan Trup,
Managing Director, Global Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley
View details & speakers
Panel discussion: ESG 101: A Primer on Environmental, Social and Governance Issues
  • What are the ESG principles?
  • What do they have in common and how do they differ? Why are they grouped together?
  • ESG factors from the global perspective
  • How are they measured? How to approach the assessment of the ESG factors from the different market participants approach?
  • Focus on the “E” aspect: Developing the green securitisation market. What are the current practices in the green sovereign bonds?
Anna Bak,
Associate Director, Securitisation, AFME
Alexander Batchvarov,
Head of International Structured Finance Research, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Ángel Tejada,
Head of Sustainable Bonds, BBVA
Carmen Muñoz,
Senior Director, Fitch Ratings
Federico Gómez Sánchez,
Group Vice President, Head of Sustainabilty, Santander
José Manuel Marqués Sevillano,
Head of the Financial Innovation Division, Bank of Spain
View details & speakers
Networking break
Fireside chat
José María Roldán,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AEB
Fernando Restoy Lozano,
Chairman, Financial Stability Institute
View speakers
Panel discussion: The Advent of FinTech And Artificial Intelligence
  • What will be the impact on traditional banking business models?
  • What are the benefits and risks for banks and customers?
  • What are the emerging regional and global trends and where is it being applied?
  • How has recent policy or regulation supported these initiatives?
  • Challenges in implementing more automated technology
Rocío Sánchez Barrios,
Director Public Policy, AEB
Dolores Ramos,
Director of Business and Digital Regulation, Santander
Juan Luis Díez Gibson,
Deputy Director General of the International Financial System, Spanish Treasury
Luis Maldonado,
Professor, IE Business School
View details & speakers
Closing remarks
Rick Watson,
Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets, Membership and Events, AFME
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Drinks reception

Keynote Speakers

Fernando Restoy Lozano

Chairman, Financial Stability Institute

José Manuel González-Páramo

Executive Board Director, Chief Officer, Global Economics and Public Affairs, BBVA

Pablo Hernández de Cos

Governor, Bank of Spain

Other Speakers

Alberto Martín del Campo

Deputy Director General for Regulation and Financial Policy, Spanish Treasury

Alexander Batchvarov

Head of International Structured Finance Research, Bank of America Merrill Lynch

Andrew South

Head of Structured Finance Research, EMEA, S&P Global Ratings

Ángel Tejada

Head of Green and Sustainable Bond

Anna Bak

Associate Director, Securitisation, AFME

Beatriz Alonso-Majagranzas

Head of Equity Unit, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME)

Carmen Muñoz

Senior Director, Fitch Ratings

Covadonga Aybar

Vice President, European Covered Bonds, DBRS Ratings

David Vegara

Chief Risk Officer and Executive Board Member, Banco Sabadell

David Wright

Chair, EUROFI and Partner, Flint-Global

Dolores Ramos

Director of Business and Digital Regulation, Santander

Eduardo Segovia

Editor in Chief, Bolsamanía

Federico Gómez Sánchez

Group Vice President, Head of Sustainability, Santander

Gaston Wieder

Vice President, Senior Analyst, Moody's Investors Service

Giuseppina Martelli

Director, S&P Global Ratings

Gonzalo García

Chief Economist, AFI

Iker Beraza Perez

Deputy Director General for Strategy, Pricing and Information, Sareb

Jonathan Trup

Managing Director, Global Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley

Jose L Mosquera Muiños

Chief Investment Officer, Quadriga Asset Managers

José Manuel Marqués Sevillano

Head of the Financial Innovation Division, Bank of Spain

José María Roldán

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AEB

Juan Luis Díez Gibson

Deputy Director General of the International Financial System, Spanish Treasury

Julio Suarez

Director, Research, AFME

Lorena Mullor

Public Policy Advisor, AEB

Luis Maldonado

Professor, IE Business School

Miguel Cuenca

Market Infrastructure Regulation, Regulation Desk, BBVA

Pablo de Ramón-Laca Clausen

Head of Funding and Debt Management, Spanish Treasury

Chairman, ESDM

Pablo Portugal

Managing Director, Advocacy, AFME

Pablo Sánchez González

Structured Finance Manager, European Investment Fund (EIF)

Pablo Sinausía

Policy Expert, European Banking Authority (EBA)

Richard Hopkin

Managing Director, Head of Fixed Income, AFME

Rick Watson

Managing Director, Head of Capital Markets, Membership and Events, AFME

Rob Ford

Founding Partner, Portfolio Manager, TwentyFour Asset Management


Executive Coordinator, Bank of Spain

Rocío Sánchez Barrios

Director Public Policy, AEB

Steve Gandy

Head of Private Debt Mobilisation, Notes and Structuring, Santander CIB

Timothy Cleary

Partner, Clifford Chance

Victor Rodríguez Quejido

Director General of Strategy and International Affairs, Spanish National Securities Markets Commission (CNMV)

Victoria Webster

Director, Fixed Income, AFME