Buy and sell side join forces in support of STS securitisation | AFME

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Buy and sell side join forces in support of STS securitisation
03 Mar 2016
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Today four leading European trade associations representing investors, issuers and other market participants have come together for the first time to support the new framework for securitisation regulation.

The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and Insurance Europe have issued a joint paper backing efforts by EU policymakers to develop a robust and successful framework for simple, transparent and standardised (STS) securitisation.

In line with the Commission’s flagship Capital Markets Union initiative, the associations believe that a new framework for securitisation could play a pivotal role between banks’ financing and capital markets, enabling much-needed non-bank funding alternatives and providing investors with high-quality fixed income securities and attractive yields.

In the joint paper, the organisations affirm that securitisation is an important element of well-functioning financial markets and call for securitisation to be treated on a level playing field with other forms of investment. They highlight their shared views on the key points for EU policymakers to consider in their development of the new framework.


Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of AFME, said: “The development of a high-quality securitisation market in Europe is an integral part of the Capital Markets Union and contributes to the Commission's objectives to revive the real economy through increased financing and prudent risk transfer. For the European securitisation market to be safely and successfully rebuilt, the new framework must be attractive for both issuers and investors whilst operating under a strong but fair and rational regulatory regime. We are delighted to unite with investors and other market participants on this important policy initiative.”

Peter De Proft, Director General of EFAMA, commented: “EFAMA is acutely aware of the generational opportunity offered by the Capital Markets Union in restoring economic growth in Europe. The Commission’s securitisation package, as an essential component of a successful CMU, could potentially generate billions in additional funding for the economy and could act as a key driver in encouraging investor participation in European capital markets. This joint initiative of the buy-side and sell-side is testament to the sheer emphasis we believe should be placed on achieving a balanced securitisation framework which will work for our markets, our investors and Europe as a whole.”

Martin Scheck, Chief Executive of ICMA, said: “Securitisation represents a crucial asset class for investors and borrowers in Europe. As an association with both buy- and sell-side members we have strongly welcomed efforts to revive securitisation as a key element in financing the drive to restore jobs and growth in Europe. This joint paper underlines our commitment to supporting an appropriately designed framework to achieve this.”

Michaela Koller, Director General of Insurance Europe, said: “Insurers must have access to a wide range of assets in order to diversify their portfolios, and this includes a need for high quality securitisations. Steps to identify good securitisations have already been made under Solvency II and the Commission’s proposal is a continuation of this, with some important improvements. However, further improvements are needed, some of which this paper outlines. From an insurer’s perspective, we are calling for a much needed revision of the capital treatment of securitisations under Solvency II.”



Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)