AFME welcomes Commission’s commitment to accelerate CMU | AFME

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AFME welcomes Commission’s commitment to accelerate CMU
14 Sep 2016
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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Following President Juncker’s 2016 State of the Union address and the communication from the European Commission setting out next steps to accelerate the completion of Capital Markets Union (CMU), Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME), commented:

“President Juncker’s commitment to completing the Capital Markets Union is a strong signal of the Commission’s focus on creating economic growth and jobs across Europe.
“We strongly support the focus on insolvency reform and boosting infrastructure funding in the next phase of CMU, and we are hoping for quick completion of the measures on securitisation and the prospectus regime.

“It is vital that the CMU project works for every EU Member State by channelling much-needed capital market finance to high-growth firms and infrastructure projects across Europe.

“As the trade group representing Europe’s wholesale markets we are committed supporters of the Commission’s initiative on CMU and will continue to do all we can to help make it a reality.”

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Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)