AFME comment on the ‘Fair and Effective Financial Markets Review’ | AFME

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AFME comment on the ‘Fair and Effective Financial Markets Review’
12 Jun 2014
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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In response to the announcement by the UK Treasury of a “Fair and Effective Financial Markets

Review,” Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of the Association for Financial Markets in Europe, commented:

“AFME supports measures designed to preserve and increase confidence in the fixed income, currency and commodity markets. These markets underpin global trade and investing, serving the interests of end users such as institutional investors, companies and governments. It is critical that they remain fair, transparent and competitive, and to this end we welcome the Review’s areas of focus. Our members are international firms active in global markets, and it is important as the review progresses that it takes account of the broader regulatory agenda so that any further proposals dovetail with measures already in place at the European and international level. We look forward to engaging with the detailed work of the Review.”




Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)