AFME comment on Council and Parliament reaching agreement on the Single Resolution Mechanis | AFME

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AFME comment on Council and Parliament reaching agreement on the Single Resolution Mechanis
21 Mar 2014
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Author Rebecca Hansford <p>Head of Communications and Marketing</p>
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AFME  welcomes  the  significant  progress  represented  by  Council  and  Parliament  reaching  agreement  on  the  Single  Resolution  Mechanism.   

“While  important  details  remain  to  be  finalised,  this  agreement  achieves  the  essential  outstanding  element  in  creating  the  framework  for  a  strong  and  integrated  Banking  Union  in  Europe,”  said  Simon  Lewis,  AFME  Chief  Executive. 

“It  ensures  that  ultimate  responsibility  for  both  supervision  and  resolution  are  firmly  anchored  at  European  level.  The  SRM  will  play  a  vital  role  in  reducing  single  market  fragmentation  and  supporting  crossborder  resolution. 

“We  look  forward  to  seeing  further  details  of  the  agreement.  Only  a  truly  integrated  and  effective  SRM  system  based  on  the  key  principles  of  the  Bank  Recovery  and  Resolution  Directive  will  ensure  that  the  link  between  sovereigns  and  banks  is  effectively  broken.”  



Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)