AFME appoints Head of Frankfurt Office | AFME

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AFME appoints Head of Frankfurt Office
19 Sep 2017
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The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) announces that Jacqueline Mills has been appointed as Head of AFME’s Frankfurt Office which was opened earlier this year.

Jacqueline has been a senior member of AFME’s Prudential team since 2014, most recently leading AFME’s work on the European Commission’s proposals for a new Capital Requirements Directive and Regulation (CRD5 and CRR2). She is also responsible for AFME’s Supervisory Committee which focuses on European Central Bank (ECB) supervision and supervisory convergence in the EU.

Simon Lewis, Chief Executive of AFME said: “We are delighted to appoint Jacqueline Mills to this important role in Frankfurt. She combines a deep knowledge of prudential and supervisory matters with considerable experience working for and with other European trade associations.

“Frankfurt is an important financial centre and given AFME’s mission to act as a bridge between market participants and policymakers across Europe, Jacqueline’s appointment is a significant step forward for this project.”

Jacqueline will take up her post from 1 October and will be permanently based in Frankfurt from 1 January 2018. She will be responsible for deepening key relationships with Frankfurt based supervisors and policymakers. In particular, these include the ECB, the ECB’s Single Supervisory Mechanism, and the European Systemic Risk Board. Over time, AFME anticipates that this will be expanded to cover other regulators and institutions and financial market participants in Germany.

Before joining AFME, Jacqueline spent 10 years at Leaseurope, as Director of Asset Finance and Research Division, where she led policy work on prudential regulation and international accounting standards and was responsible for building out a research programme and promoting the industry at European level. She has also worked for Deloitte and Eurofinas in Brussels and at the Université Libre de Bruxelles.

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Rebecca O'Neill

Head of Communications and Marketing (Interim)